Akiyoshi Hara – Only cheap house music interview


Non è un #DJ, ma un appassionato archeologo della musica house… Questa intervista vuole essere di esempio in una Italia dove sono tutti DJs e la passione, la qualità, tecnica, cultura scarseggia.. Motivo per cui questo movimento Undergeround si sta disintegrando e si è abbassato notevolmente di livello!

He is not a #DJ, but a passionate archaeologist of house music… This interview wants to be an example in an Italy where everyone is a DJ and passion, the quality, technique, culture is lacking… Reason why this Underground movement is disintegrating and has significantly lowered!


Ciao, qui Dax DJ! Ti ho conosciuto su instagram, ho deciso di mettermi in contatto con te perchè posti sempre dischi molto interessanti e molti che ho anche io nella mia collezione! Mi piace la tua costanza e il fatto che sei molto preciso e dettagliato!

Hi, Dax DJ here! I met you on Instagram, I decided to get in touch with you because you always post very interesting records and many that I also have in my collection! I like your consistency and
the fact that you are very precise and detailed!


DAX: Parlami di te e della tua passione per la musica e dei vinili ?! \ Tell me about yourself and your passion for music and vinyl?!

AH: Hi. Grazie per aver richiesto questa intervista. Compro dischi da quando ero studente, 35 anni fa, quando avevo 15 anni. A quel tempo, la musica house era la musica dance più recente e io sentivo un fascino particolare per la musica house underground. A quel tempo, le informazioni erano disorganizzate e difficili da comprendere in modo sistematico. Oggigiorno Internet si è sviluppato e le informazioni abbondano. Tuttavia Internet non è una panacea. Mi interessa l’esistenza che trabocca dalla rete di Internet. Il mio interesse è ricreare l’atmosfera di quell’epoca nei tempi moderni organizzando sistematicamente la musica dimenticata, raccogliendo attentamente tali informazioni e pubblicandole su SNS. In altre parole si può dire che sia un modo archeologico di ascoltare/collezionare dischi/musica.

Hi. Thank you for requesting this interview. I have been buying records since I was a student 35 years ago, when I was 15 years old. At that time, house music was the newest dance music, and I felt a special fascination for underground house music. At that time, information was disorganized and difficult to understand systematically. Nowadays, the Internet has developed and information is abundant. However, the Internet is not a panacea. I am interested in the existence that overflows from the network of the Internet. My interest is to recreate the atmosphere of that era in modern times by systematically organizing forgotten music, carefully collecting such information, and posting it on SNS. In other words, it can be said to be an archaeological way of listening/collecting records/music.

DAX: Di che località sei ? Mi racconteresti dove trovi i tuoi dischi e quali sono i tuoi negozi di dischi preferiti giapponesi ? \ Where are you from? Would you tell me where you find your records and what are your favorite Japanese record shops?

AH: Vengo da Kobe, in Giappone. Vivo ancora lì. Kobe si trova vicino a Osaka ed è una città portuale simile a Liverpool in Inghilterra. Ci sono anche molti buoni negozi di dischi. Di solito compro i dischi nella mia città natale, Kobe o Osaka. Ecco alcuni negozi di dischi consigliati.

I am from Kobe, Japan. I still live there. Kobe is near Osaka and is a port city similar to Liverpool in England. There are also many good record shops. I usually buy records in my hometown, Kobe or Osaka. Here are some recommended record shops.


Rock’n’ Roll Aids Production

Gapon Records

hangesha record store

Zipangurecord @zipangurecord

ハックルベリー google maps


MY RECORD @my_record_nakats





DAX: In quali Club o Festival hai suonato? \ In which Clubs or Festivals have you played?

AH: No. I’m not DJ.

DAX: Quali sono i tuoi producer e label preferiti ? E perchè ? \ What are your favorite producers and labels? And why?


Nu Groove – Burrell Brothers

Warp – Rob Gordon

Everysoul – Vince Watson

Perché la loro musica è bellissima.

Because their music is beautiful.

DAX: Quali sono per te i DJ TOP da quelli mitici della scena americana e quelli contemporanei? \ Who are the TOP DJs for you from the legendary ones of the American scene and the contemporary ones?

AH: François Kevorkian


DAX: Con la Disco Music come te la cavi ? E con Italo Disco? Possiedi anche dischi di questi generi ? \ With Disco Music how do you get along? And with Italo Disco? Do you also own records ofthese genres?

AH: Adoro la musica da discoteca e ho molti dischi disco. Un artista italiano, adoro: Klein & M.B.O. and Alexander Robotnick.

I love disco music and I have many disco records. An Italian artist, I love: Klein & M.B.O. and Alexander Robotnick.


DAX: Alcuni dischi House in vinile stanno diventando sempre più rari e più cari: segnalami un paio di titoli di quelli a cui tieni di più. \ Some House vinyl records are becoming rarer and more expensive: tell me a couple of titles ofthose you care about the most.

AH: Dee Jay Doc – D.J.’s DeLite Vol. III

DAX: Come vedi il mondo della musica liquida – digitale ? \ How do you see the world of liquid – digital music?

AH: Non sono veramente interessato ai file musicali digitali.

I’m not really interested in digital music files.


DAX: Ron Hardy or Frankie Knuckles ?

AH: Frankie Knuckles!!

DAX: Parlami dei tuoi progetti futuri da dj e appassionato di vinili! \ Tell me about your future projects as a DJ and vinyl enthusiast!

AH: This is my house. Not record store. “La casa dei vinili” By 𝚐𝚢𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 (ジャイロスター) ✏︎ 𝙰𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚛

Grazie mille! Domo Arigato! Akiyoshi Hara

Akiyoshi Hara intw. 09.2024 Family House.

DAN PIU interview


The interview was born simply like this, like many others I’ve done over the years! The main ingredient is always music, eternal music! RECORDS THAT CAPTURED MY INTEREST.

DAX: I wanted to tell you that I’ve recently picked up several of your records and they are all beautiful and unique! I wanted to tell you! In particular “A Piece Of Your Own” and also the recent “Times”, but also the others…

DAN PIU: Oh man these are the type of personal messages I do love so much. Not just because of the compliments, but because of this decency that is scarcely found nowadays. I’m very glad that you like my music. Thank you very much for letting me know. It means a lot to me. I also wanted to send you a few old tracks from my moniker “Mutant Volt” …

DAX: I can say that you are a complete artist and I admire you a lot especially after I saw your equipment etc and then I understood that you are really a special person in the electronic scene and you deserve more recognition, but we know about the degradation and disgust related to clubbing/festivals etc .. “only appearance wins” .. Do you realize that even today (this year I turn 50 and I have a collection of >10000 vinyls) I suffer from the problem of competition, envy, etc. Young people are surprised if I still party so much .. if I were them, I would ask myself .. What I wanted to tell you is that it’s getting harder and harder, but the important thing is that we’re here! We fight, we defend ourselves and they can hardly tame us.. and we are freer than them.

DAN PIU: Your words reflect exactly what I have been thinking and feeling for a long time. I will be turning 53 years old this year. Although I don’t feel that old.. a certain wisdom comes with age.. and I find myself standing above certain things now. Sometimes, I do also wish I received more recognition, especially for my DJing. My vinyl collection is also well over 10k records, and gigs are very difficult to come by if you are not part of an agency. The younger DJs tend to prioritize themselves, whereas older guys like us could teach them so much in many ways. Most of the younger DJs have good sets, but they tend to be too same as others, everything feels so tense and sometimes some sounding almost artificial and unspontaneous.. but you know too good!

That’s why I completely understand you. yeah. Just share some beats if you have a minute.. always like to hear to new music. Thank you once again for your words. I started producing in 1991, thanks to my friend Flavio Cuva from Zurich, who produced the beautiful Anixus record on UMM. He also gave me the 303 back then, and he still remains my role model to this day. Great guy and humble. I assume you listen to house productions. I can also recommend you to check out my Zarenzeit and Passport Monikers. I’m sure you’ll find something interesting to listen to there.

The idea with the interview. means a lot to me .. you can start from the beginning by late 80ies/early 90ies since I was very influenced by italian deep house.

We are on the same wave.. Nu Groove is also my favorite label and the Burrell Brothers are my absolute fav artists.. wow I am gonna thru your webpage. this is exactly what I feel..
Also you got Joe Lewis that I released on my label deepArtSounds back then.. again, nice to meet you!


DAX: Introduce yourself, where do you get your inspiration? Why and when did you start to dj and to produce music? Origin, now, future.

DAN PIU: I grew up in Northeast Zurich as the son of immigrants, and from an early age, I was interested in dance and electronic music. The gateway for me was my older sister, who was a clubber in Zurich’s subculture in the early to mid 80s and always brought home cool mix tapes from DJs. This eventually sparked my interest in DJing myself, and I started buying my first records with the pocket money I received from my parents. Later as a teenager, between 1987 and 1988, I was a Commodore 64 hacker and dealer, making quite a lot of money with pirated copies selling them in Europe. With that income, I bought my first turntables. Three years later, in 1991, I wanted to produce my own tracks, which I did using a Korg workstation. Then very shortly I added the Roland Juno 106, the TR-808, the TR-303 that I got from Flavio Cuva (UMM Anixous) and a Roland sampler (S-50), which allowed me to sample maximum 14 seconds in 12-bit mode.

DAX: What do you look for in a beat?

DAN PIU: I always try that the single elements are in harmony with each other and fit well. I always strive for warmth in the mix. I rarely use processors or compessors in my mix. Instead, I try to achieve warmth solely with my instruments and with my playing style. I make sure that my songs come across as a kind of unity. The sound of the bass and its essence must be in perfect harmony with the rest of the song. For example, I experiment with the synthesizer’s controls and tweak the decay and release until I feel the bass fits and blends with the other elements perfectly. In my opinion I find using too much processors to create warmth, to be an artificial and unnatural way of doing so. Also they can kill the essence of the song. But again, that’s just my humble opinion and experience.

1994 Studio 3

1994 Studio 3

DAX: Why one of your first album titled “living in fear” (2016) it would seem more like a title for these current times!?

DAN PIU: You are absolutely right, this title would be even more fitting in today’s times. Actually, this title comes from a song I produced in 1997 and released on Moto Music two years later. I produced this track while reading the book ‘Geheimgesellschaften’ (Secret Societies) by Jan van Helsing, which has since been heavily censored. But it already predicted a lot and much of it did indeed come to pass, unfortunately. From then on, my perspective definitely changed, and my worldview shifted as a truth seeker. Honestly, looking back what happened in 2001 or in 2020 didn’t really surprise me. People can dismiss me now as a crazy conspiracy theorist, but I def don‘t care. My critical attitude towards the whole thing has saved me from many mistakes and wrong decisions in this entire big world clown show.

DAX: Where do you continually get your inspiration?

DAN PIU: My inspiration definitely doesn’t come from being outdoors and being connected with the nature and city or listening to old Charles Mingus jazz songs. Apart from this irony, for me, it’s quite simple: I just listen to electronic music, for example, a DJ mix, and it quickly ignites the urge in me to get behind the keyboard. Furthermore, I live in my studio, and I always have the machines in sight, which metaphorically encourage me to use them. That happens very quickly. I am also constantly driven to produce my own personal perfect track, which I will probably never achieve, but it feels like a surfer in the ocean waiting his whole life for the perfect wave.

DAX: Which artists are you currently listening to? Djs?

DAN PIU: Since electronic music has become very timeless and many young producers imitate or reinterpret old music, I don’t specifically follow an artist or producer anymore. Besides, there are so many good ones out there that could be mentioned. However, I always enjoy listening and studying to old music by Toyin Agbetu, the Burrell Brothers or Joe Turri, as well as people like William Orbit or The Future Sound Of London just to mention a few. They were all ahead of their time. As mentioned earlier, I also regularly listen to DJ mix podcasts, including those of my friends Antonio and Alfonso from H.B.E.M., Daniel Edenburg, Roger Versey, or my wife Natalia. I practically listen to DJ Estimulo weekly. I find he is one of the best storytellers sonicwise.

How would you describe your sound? Samples or analog equip. ?! New software, plugins, laptop and new mix technology or traditional?

DAN PIU: Over all these years, my music has only changed marginally because I still follow the same workflow. My DAW is Logic, which is essentially the successor software to Notator Creator on the Atari ST that I used from 1991 onwards.
Aside from the DAW, I’ve only changed the mixing console. Of course, new instruments have also been added over all these years, but the workflow remained the same. I don’t use plugins or software tools. I prefer to record everything live using Hardware, MIDI and Audio recording. Afterwards, I cut and arrange and produce my tracks on the DAW. Musically, I tend to favor a Minor key that I often combine with an SUS key, as it best represents my somewhat melancholic style. I usually start with F or C, but I also enjoy playing the black keys which is quite fun and special, especially when producing experimental music. Although I use samples in my drum programming or for artistic effects, I use them less for musical elements. I want to create sounds and write my own melodies, not use pre-made samples at all, but there is no rule in my music. Everything can be used as far it fits the song. I always mix the songs during composing and writing, which saves me a lot of time afterwards.

2024 my current Studio 5

2024 my current Studio 5

DAX: Favorite drums, synthesizers and sequencer.

DAN PIU: Depends on my moniker and the genre I produce. However, for spacey and trancey sounds I really like the old Arp Axxe Synth and the Waldorf Microwave XT too but also the filter of the Jupiter 6 is topnotch as well as my whole modular systems which also includes Eurorack modules. When producing more bass sound related tracks like House or bleepy stuff, I really like the Moog Roque as for the bass sound. It fits so extremely well in the mix. But I do also like the FM sounds from the old Yamaha keyboards such as the DX7 or the TX81Z. Over all the years I created a pad sound on the Juno 60 which is so insanely beautiful that I many times used it.
For sure, I do also love the typical presets sounds of the old digital Synthesizers like the M1. I did also discover a new love for the Yamaha CS40, which sounds so incredible sick! As for drum machines, nothing can beat the old drum machines by Roland, especially the TR-909. It‘s just too perfect sounding to avoid it. Sequencer-wise I lately use the Doepfer Darktime which I really can recommend.

1st Streetparade ever in 1992

1st Streetparade ever in 1992

DAX: Tell us about your town/city and the music scene. Have you been to street parade?

DAN PIU: The Street Parade may be the city’s flagship event, but there’s much more to report beyond that. Zurich still boasts the highest density of clubs in Europe, considering the size of the city. I could easily list 20 clubs fully dedicated to electronic music, including internationally renowned venues like Zukunft, Friedas Büxe, Supermarket or Hive. We also have many producers here in the town, some are very talented, and there are numerous support programs for them backed by the city. There’s also a thriving vinyl culture here, where you can dig for old records. But there’s also a new, young scene emerging around Andreas Ramos and his store Sihl Records, which is very creative and contemporary. As for me, I had some residencies in the 90s. Nowadays, however, it’s very difficult to get a spot anywhere if you’re not part of a community. Zurich has always been a stage for foreign DJs, which naturally makes it even harder to land good gigs. But I can’t complain in recent years, as I’ve been able to DJ here and there. As for the Street Parade, I’ve been there since day one in 1992, and we even had our own truck two years later. But these days, it’s become a bit too big and flashy for my taste.

DAX: Your best place for music .. Around the world?!

DAN PIU: There are countless amazing places to mention.. London, Tokyo, New York, etc. but again, my favorite remains my hometown, Zurich. Here, we have an extensive history and heritage in every damn genre of electronic music like probably no other place. Just to make an example, Zurich was banging with the finest Italian deep house of the early 90s in countless raves, clubs and underground venues back then, while other cities took not even note of this beautiful music coming from Italy. That deserves huge respect for my city.
Unfortunately, there’s also a downside to the coin. What I could criticize about my city is that over all these years, we never managed to create a recognizable “Sound of Zurich.”
We had all the necessary ingredients.. talent, studios, and gear. We missed the opportunity to build and promote collaborations or support one another. Many were too selfish or afraid that someone else might take their place or whatever. Me and my partner Robert P. always operated in the very underground scene, but even there, we quickly realized that it wasn’t easy to convince and enlist others for your projects and ideas. Decades later, it’s somewhat disheartening and sad because Zurich had the potential to leave a significant mark in music history.

Visions of the future. Enlighten us on your dream project?

DAN PIU: In terms of future projects, I don’t exactly have visions. I leave that to others who have a clearer view of the future, like Alexander Einetter, the label owner of Childhood Intelligence. He’s truly a visionary with plenty of ideas, and he often involves me in them.
However, one day I’d prefer to disconnect entirely from the outside world and go back to the core, and rediscover that nice innocence, naivety, and childlike curiosity like I used to have when I started to make music, and produce entirely fresh music, free from any external influences. No pressure, no social media, no SoundCloud, no guidelines. This is the best. Just me and the machine. That’s my personal dream.

Dan Piu Discography | Discogs


Artist Picture (March 2024 in Valencia)

Artist Picture (March 2024 in Valencia)

Dan Piu intw. 03.2024 Family House.

Dax DJ presents Dino’s Tapes #1

Dax DJ presents Dino’s Tapes 😻

Friday debut London 📻

DJ Paolo – CAPOVOLTO after hour – 1992
“ Il primo mi è stato dato dalle mani di Paolo, proprietario di Capovolto Music Bar a Montichiari (BS) negli anni ’90, ma al momento della consegna era già titolare del Apoc@lisse sempre a Montichiari vicino all’aeroporto militare… Quanto mi divertivo a fare PR, animazione, vocalist in giro per locali e feste 🎊 “ – @faggionatochef

RIP Claudio Coccoluto

Caro Claudio Coccoluto, volevo chiederti il permesso di pubblicare questo mixtape a me assai prezioso, era da un po’ che avevo intenzione di farlo. Proprio questa domenica, manco a farlo apposta, l’ho ritrovato! Invece stamattina mi ha telefonato piangente l’amico Guglielmo Mascio, annunciandomi la tua scomparsa; sono corso subito a registrare questo nastro, come tributo, testimonianza per tutti i Clubbers e DJ community..

La registrazione è del 1997 “Star Trek Night” al Mazoom – Le Plaisir Club. Ringrazio Mario Psx che mi ha recuperato il flyer originale dell’epoca!

Questo è il tuo particolarissimo sound, uno stile unico ed inconfondibile, che ti ha sempre caratterizzato e che mi ha ispirato molto. Non so quante volte avrò ascoltato questo nastro, alla disperata ricerca di un pezzo intitolato “Hot Love” …

E’ stato sempre un sogno condividere la consolle con un Big come te; a volte i sogni si avverano e anzi mai avrei immaginato, di essere invitato da te Roma a mettere vinili assieme anche a tuo figlio Gianmaria. Grazie! Che bei ricordi indelebili, come la tua musica, i tuoi Remix, in particolare questa chicca che forse non tutti conoscono: Cthulu (H.W.W. Remix)

Buon viaggio, riposa in pace. Ci vediamo nello spazio cosmico..



2023, Centro America, distretto Babylon n.2. ??????

Mary stava tornando al suo alloggio dal centro di produzione giovanile dopo la giornata di lavoro quando si sentì mancare le forze all’improvviso. Una potente ed irresistibile sonnolenza la fece accasciare sul ciglio della  strada, obbligandola a stendersi a terra per qualche istante. Si addormentò nel giro di pochi secondi, rapita da una forza sconosciuta che sembrava risucchiarle la coscienza.
Qualche attimo dopo si ritrovò al cospetto di una donna, bellissima, dai lunghi capelli neri ed occhi scuri, ma al tempo stesso cristallini. Sembravano delle grandi perle brune. 
Non sapeva dove si trovasse, come ci fosse finita, ma l’unica cosa di cui si rendeva conto era questa figura misteriosa di fronte a lei. 
«Chi sei? Dove mi trovo?», disse Mary. «Stavo tornando a casa e all’improvviso mi sono sentita sprofondare in un sonno tremendo…Che cosa sta succedendo? Ho paura…»
«Tranquilla Mary, non temere», rispose la donna.
«Come fai a sapere il mio nome?» Chiese la giovane ragazza.
«Lo conosco perché nel futuro prossimo avrai un ruolo importante nel dare inizio ad una serie di eventi di portata globale. Io sono Magdalene, ed il mio compito è quello di consegnarti un oggetto speciale, per cominciare questo processo irreversibile…»
«Eventi di portata globale? Ma cosa stai dicendo? Qualche anno fa con la guerra è già successo di tutto, ora almeno noi sopravvissuti vorremmo finalmente vivere in pace e dedicarci alla ricostruzione…Ti prego, lasciami andare…!»
«Cara Mary, la guerra (La Terza Guerra Mondiale, ndr) era soltanto l’inizio…Babylon ti ha accolta dopo la distruzione, ma ora sta ostacolando il tuo processo di Ascensione.»
«Ascensione? Che roba è? Non sarà mica una cosa religiosa…per fortuna qui le chiese o sono tutte andate distrutte o sono diventate rifugio di animali selvaggi o di qualche Survival Rocker di passaggio…Ti prego, lasciami stare! Dove siamo? Voglio tornare a casa!»
«Ora ti sembra tutto incomprensibile, ma presto inizierai a capire. Prenderai parte a qualcosa che metterà in crisi tutte le tue certezze. Al momento posso dirti soltanto che poco prima dello scoppio della guerra è successo qualcosa di misterioso. 144.000 persone sono sparite nel nulla, ma non se ne è accorto praticamente nessuno per via del caos che è successo subito dopo. In questo momento stiamo parlando in una dimensione differente, non siamo nel tuo mondo, nella tua realtà. Il tuo corpo è addormentato e sei ora in mia compagnia con lo spirito, grazie all’intercessione della Lux. E stai parlando proprio con una di queste persone.»
«E tu ora parli proprio come una pazza.»
«Anch’io ero di queste parti. Ti consegnerò un oggetto molto importante. Devi nasconderlo e non farlo vedere a nessuno. E’ un CD.»
«Eh? Un CD? E cosa me ne faccio? Erano già morti e sepolti prima di Babylon e della guerra, ora non ci sono più supporti e lettori ottici qui, ascoltiamo tutto via cloud…Sei proprio vecchia e fuori dal mondo…!»
«E’ l’unico modo per non incorrere nel controllo di Babylon. Tu forse non te ne sarai accorta, ma prima della guerra l’accesso alle informazioni era molto più vasto e libero di come è ora»
“Vabbè, sai che cosa me ne importa, dopo tutto quello che abbiamo passato l’unica cosa che ho voglia di fare è non pensarci, ricominciare da zero e lavorare quel poco che basta per divertirmi con i miei amici come se non ci fosse un domani…!»
«Un domani non ci sarà proprio, se non farai come ti dico… Nascondi il CD, non mostrarlo a nessuno. Poi dovrai andare in cerca di un lettore ottico funzionante per ascoltarlo. Il mix Hi-NRG registrato in questo CD sarà fondamentale per ristabilire un contatto con i 144.000 Ascension Dancers che sono già ascesi. La musica contenuta nel mix è alla base dell’Ascension Disco.»
«Hi-NRG? Ma non era quel genere musicale che andava negli anni ’80 da queste parti? Alcuni anni fa c’erano ancora dei sonideros che suonavano quella musica, me lo raccontavano i miei, che qualche volta ci andavano pure a ballare…E poi cos’è questa Ascension Disco? Musica da chiesa? Mah…spiegati meglio.»
«Ora devo andare Mary, il tempo a mia disposizione è scaduto. Non dimenticare il mio nome. Sarò con te anche quando penserai di essere completamente da sola e senza nessun aiuto. Ci rivedremo presto, quando verrà il momento.»
«Aspetta, ma non mi hai ancora detto…» Mary in quell’istante si sentì sparire dallo spazio in cui stava con Magdalene. Rinvenne a terra, subito dopo, nel punto esatto in cui si era assopita. Ma una grande paura la prese quando si accorse di essere immobilizzata, di non poter muovere il corpo nemmeno di un millimetro. Intorno a lei vedeva delle figure scure andare e venire, ma l’unica cosa che poteva fare era muovere gli occhi e guardarsi intorno terrorizzata. Non sapeva cosa altro fare, così nella sua testa chiese aiuto a Magdalene con tutta la forza e la disperazione che aveva in sé. Poco dopo le apparve di nuovo, questa volta come uno spettro, lontana, dall’altra parte della strada su cui si era accasciata.
Mary, dopo questa nuova fugace apparizione, riuscì finalmente a muoversi. Si tirò su velocemente in piedi e ripensò per un attimo al sogno assurdo che aveva appena fatto. Sperava soltanto che nessuno si fosse accorto di come si fosse appisolata in maniera così idiota! Che figura…
Quando fece per prendere le sue cose da terra notò però qualcosa che non aveva con sé prima dell’accaduto. Era un CD. La scritta a penna sulla superficie diceva “ DISCOTECA CLANDESTINA – 5D XSTASY MIX”.
Lo mise velocemente nella borsa senza pensarci e continuò il suo cammino verso casa, confusa ed incredula, ma con la terribile sensazione che la sua vita sarebbe in qualche modo cambiata (di nuovo) per sempre.


DJ ORIGIN: Mexico/Palestine

Mozzart – Pay The Highest Price
Peppermint – Light A Light (Discoteca Clandestina Edit)
1000 Ohm – You’re The One (Edit)
Hard Ton ft. Maxime Duvall – Hot Line
Body Heat – Move It In Move It Out (Edit)
Lisa Smith – Fantasy (Instrumental)
Juan Malagon – Yo Te Quiero Ver Bailar (Club Dub Mix) 
Two Girls – Another Boy In Town
Oh Romeo – Savin’ Myself (For The One That I Love)
Bianca – One More Time
Eric – Who’s Your Boyfriend
Den Haan – Metamorphosis
Lisa – Sex Dance/Rocket To Your Heart

Discoteca Clandestina

Dance ’till the end (of the world)

Record Store Day 2018 #Vicenza

Il Record Store Day è la giornata mondiale per la salvaguardia dei negozi di dischi.. A Vicenza per i DJs esisteva il Music Power l’unico vero negozio di “Dischi Import” della città e così, presi da un po’ di nostalgia, assieme a Dax DJ e PARTYHARDY abbiamo voluto creare questo evento che vuole essere un punto d’incontro/scambio per tutti gli amanti del vinile, della musica e dell’arte del DJing … VI ASPETTIAMO NUMEROSI

* Ringraziamo fin da ora tutte le Indipendent Labels che metteranno a disposizione le loro ultime novità durante l’evento, Audio-DJ per i mixer rotativi e tutte le Crew Vicentine organizzatrici di eventi e DJs anche da fuori provincia.


Facebook Event