
What is House Music?


Madlén in collaborazione con Partyhardy presenta: WHAT IS HOUSE MUSIC? Tre appuntamenti di giovedì sera all’insegna della migliore House Music con fantastici artisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo! Alla ricerca dell’essenza della vera Club Culture. Impossibile da perdere.

“… credo che la scena sia stata stuprata, imbastardita e stia venendo venduta come qualcos’altro. I creatori originali stanno venendo cancellati dalla storia e c’è una sorta di colonizzazione da parte di invasori estranei. Ora ci sono persone che chiamano musica house qualcosa che non è assolutamente musica house. Ma come tutto ciò che ha origini umili e finisce nelle mani sbagliate, può tornare e tornerà al suo giusto posto…” – Marcellus Pittman, tratto dall’intervista di Alberto Zannato su

19.03.2020 MARCELLUS PITTMAN (DETROIT – Unirhythm)

“Music is a really precious thing” dice Pittman in una intervista da Phonica Records a Londra. Nativo di Detroit, che ha influenzato indelebilmente la sua carriera, è cresciuto ascoltando nei primi anni 80: The Wizard (Jeff Mills) e The Electritying Mojo. Artista uscito su etichette del calibro della Sound Signature di Theo Parrish e la FXHE di Omar S, fondatore di Unirhythm e parte del progetto 3 Chairs nientemeno che con Kenny Dixon Jr. aka Moodymann, Rick Wilhite e Theo Parrish. Questi sono solo alcuni degli attributi che descrivono l’incredibile attività e personalità artistica di Marcellus Pittman, Unirhythm!

16.04.2020 LEO MAS (MILANO – First On Mars)

Leo è una vera leggenda, il pioniere della House Music e delle sonorità Underground in Europa! Negli anni 80 è stato protagonista della rivoluzione sonora ad Ibiza definita come Balearic Beat dal 1985 influenzando i DJ  di tutto il mondo. Nell’87 approdò al Macrillo di Gallio e poi Movida, Ranch, Mazoom, Go! Bang, Alter Ego, Musikò, Area City, Aida, Country Club, Principe, Syncopate, Ex-o-groove, Fluid e tutti i migliori Club italiani! Ha all’attivo diversi progetti discografici come per esempio Big Brother Productions “La Triade” e creò, curò una serie di etichette discografiche: Informal, Muzak, Pin-Up, Models-Inc e Spock tipiche del suo “sound ribelle”: le varie sfumature dell’House Music e la musica elettronica. Tutt’ora Leo si contraddistingue per la ricerca musicale, le ottime produzioni discografiche e le serate e programmi radio in giro per il pianeta.

14.05.2020 HOLDTight (PARIS – Hot’n’Spicy)

Il suo nome, si rifà ad una delle sue tracce preferite di Gino Soccio! Giovane DJ Parigino, HOLDTight con le sue selezioni musicali, nei suoi dj set giocosi e sorprendenti, confessa il suo profondo amore per il sound House Funky e i ritmi erotici Disco degli anni ’70. Rinomato per i suoi brillanti e sexy re-edits della sua label in vinile: Hot’n’Spicy, è uscito con etichette come Midnight Riot, Chopshop e Le Renard Records. Puoi trovarlo nei migliori club parigini come al Concrete, La Mona, ma anche in giro per l’Europa a Berlino o a Londra.


Giovedì – Ingresso libero – Cena su prenotazione – RSVP 04451600110

c/o Madlén
Viale dell’Industria, 93
36070 Trissino, Vicenza, Italy

A 5 minuti dal casello autostradale di Montecchio Maggiore A4


Cabanne: Accidents of Life

1. First tell us about Minibar Music

Minibar-music is the new label we’ve created with Eric Vence and David Gluck after I’ve stopped working with telegraph and logstic records. I would say that the music orientation for this label will definitely be open minded !! Still focused on the dancefloor for now (we want to see people danciiiiing ) it will for sure grow in multiple directions in the future.

2. Describe your sound and your music future vision..

I’m totally unable to give you a proper description of it !! Lol !! But I would say i’ve always been trying to make it groovy !!

3. Describe whats happening in Club Culture and life, after the introductions of cool software, laptop

Since the laptops and ableton arrived in the game a lot more possibilities came to musicians to play along with other musicians !! That’s great and now you can see many live set where artists improvise techno music !! To me it’s one of the best way to play music !! You can totally interact with the crowd and you really can rock it !!

4. Your french friends: Ark, Karat crew.. Very amusing party and approach 

We’re always playing that way with theses guys !! We all got a musician background and we learned music playing it !! Music is also a body language !! You should check Ark when he’s performing … X-tra fun !!

5. Your “Loop” theory

I don t have any “loop” theory !!
I mean !!
You’re head is moving ?!!
Your ass is shaking ?!!
You got it !!

6. Melody or Beat oriented?

Rythm is everything !! Without it melody don’t exist !! Some say “it s about the note” !! Some other “it’s about where you place it” So i say beat … I love melody but i’m quite bad at using it with electronic music i guess !! I feel much more comfortable with rythm !!

7. Talk about your Japan experience and friends

Was really amazed how people react about our music over there !! They know everything about everybody !! Very impressive !! Even the scene totally changed since last year !! There’s a lot new talented artists coming from Japan. Ditch who’s doing minibar 04 was working on electronic music for only 4 month when he gave me the tracks !! Wait to hear it and you’ll tell by yourself !!

8. Sound efx, click, little voices: who inspire you?

Miles Davis / Dan Bell / John Coltrane / Dimbiman / Thelnious Monk / Herbert / George Clinton / Ark / Bill Evans / Thomas Melchior

9. Analog? Digital?

Both analog and digital !!

10. Your best all-the-time favourite five trax/titles

Impossible to answer that !! Give me 50 and maybe i can !! To me there is too much amazing tastes and flavor all around the house to reduce it to 5 tracks !! 😉

France Minimal:

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(2005) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


_ Present yourself!
joakim bouaziz aka jimi bazzouka

_ First and favorite instrument.

_ Your first released record.
Twice Thinking 12″ on Future Talk

_ Talk about France and your electro experience.
France is for me just a very good place to live, especially Paris. My electro experience started around 1994/95 when I discovered labels like Warp and MoWax. A few years later I started playing with a keyboard/sequencer.

_ Party night-life in Paris and “le bateau”.
hmmm, not sure what you mean by “le bateau”. For me Paris is not the best place for night life. of course there’s the Pulp and a couple of cool places. Maybe Paris is the best for “Aperitif” in the summer.

_ Top 3 favorite cities and crowd.
Tokyo, Detroit (although I didn’t play there…), Copenhague…?

_ What is the significance of Tigersushi? How did you get that name?
The meaning of Tigersushi is out of reach. You can’t understand it, still it takes control of your mind…ha ha.

_ Philosophy of Tigersushi: disco, sampling, rhythm and future plans.
Our philosophy is to have fun and do whatever we find interesting. We don’t have any idea of the next record we’ll release because it just might be salsa music. We also try to have a didactical approach to music and the people who comes to Tigersushi. Basically we’re just fans and we like sharing our love of music.

_ What do you look for in a beat?
I think a good beat is one that could be a track on its own.

_ Computer programming.
I’m looking more and more into sound processing, textures, analog and
digital transformation of sounds etc. I’m a lot into some plug ins such as

_ When do you work on a remix, what kind of approach do you prefer?
I try to bring the song in other territories, I’m also having fun trying things that I wouldn’t do normally (when I’m working on my own stuff). It’s a bit like wearing a costume. You can pretend you’re somebody else.

_ In your music studio: are you immediate and instinctive or technical and rational?
Well…I think I’m instinctive and technical.

Talk about:

_ Acid house and electro.
I hate acid house and electro.

_ Disco and re-edit.
I love Disco and I do a lot of re-edit for my personal use.

_ 80 / 90 punk.
I like a lot early 80s post punk music because of the weird mixtures you can find in there, black and white, warm and cold, live and electronics etc. It was a period of much freedom.

_ Your Italo collection.
I wish it was bigger.

_ Are you vegetarian?

_ DJ experience: rotary mixer or mixer with effect?
I like rotary mixer a lot, especially because they usually sound way better (rane etc). I hate pionneer-style mixers, althought I like the idea of having effects.

_ Creativity, new labels and music market.
Wait a minute, I’m gonna think about it, write a book and answer that one.

_ Message to electronic peoples.
Who are you?

Questions by Dax DJ, THNX to Joakim and Tigersushi Paris 


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.